Sunday, December 13, 2009

December Happenings

My three little snuggle bugs!

Eric and I stayed up late to decorate these cookies. We will be individually bagging them to use for teacher/coaches/daycare worker/friend gifts.

Jack and Cam "helping" daddy decorate the outside. Somehow that involved sword fighting with giant candy canes, and using the giant bulbs as balls.

Jack with his Mickey ornament. He is really good at taking the ornaments off the tree. Putting them on...well. You will also notice he has no pants on. As I look through my pictures I realize that in most of them someone is missing their pants. Hmm, maybe we should work on that.

Jack in his first snow. He stood there for 5 minutes (perfectly still) Then cried and wanted to go in. Ahh, he is my son! If it wasn't socially inappropriate I would cry whenever I had to go out in the cold! On the other hand Ethan and Cam played outside as long as I would let them. Jack and I watched from the window...perfect :)
Not much to say, just a busy week of Christmas preparations! Enjoy the pictures.

Monday, November 30, 2009


This is Jack wearing his new favorite hat. My cousin works for the Yankees, so I'm sure he'll be happy!
Eric and I went to the outlets in PA Thursday at midnight. This was the line to get ono the bus to be transported from the far away parking lot. It was crazy! We really didn't need to shop just wanted to see what it was like. We had a ball. Everyone was really nice and having a good time.

Cam and Ethan happily sitting on Sayde's lap.
This year for Thanksgiving we went to Youngstown to visit Grandma and Papa, Great Grandma, some cousins, and a Great Aunt and Uncle. The kids had a wonderful time and it was nice to see everyone. Ethan loved Sayde (my cousin). He is still talking about her. She must be pretty special because he is pretty picky. He spent most of Thanksgiving playing with her and kept her very busy :)

A few things we are Thankful for:

  • Good friends that are always around when we need them

  • Awesome neighbors that we can count on

  • Health

  • Family that loves us and our children no matter what

  • Love

  • Perspective

  • God

  • A House

  • Food

  • Medical care

  • Our children

  • Life

  • There is so much more.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Let us remember to be thankful always.

A Year Ago

Do you remember what you were doing a year ago? I sure do. We were trying desperately to figure out which direction God wanted us to go in order to expand our family. We had adoptions running in both Kaz and NSN China. Just when we were starting to get really frustrated God made it very clear that we were supposed to be adopting from SN China. Between hitting walls with our Kaz adoption, an interesting church sermon, and our own hearts we knew what we needed to do. After putting our paper work into the China SN we received a referral in one day.

A year ago we were staring at a picture of our little boy. We were frantically calling IA doctors and filling out papers. We were running around like maniacs. It was one of the best days of our lives. We were in complete awe of the process that brought us to our little boy. He was just the right one and we knew it! A year ago was when I fell in love with my son.

A year later I cannot believe we ever didn't have him. He has fit in and amazed us in every way. His smile lights up a room, and he can charm just about everyone. Even the tough nosed doctors have a tough time keeping a straight face with him around. All I can say is God sure knew what was best. I cannot even imagine life without his smile, his charming eyes, his funny tantrums, and mostly his "I wuv you".

I am so thankful that I have had the experience of adoption. I'm so thankful for this wonderful spirit that has been put in my house. There are no words to define the feelings we have been allowed to embrace over this past year. There is no way for me to even explain the amount of gratitude that I have for being allowed to be Jack's mom. One year later life is grand.

I wonder what I'll be doing next year at this time?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cam's Birthday Party and a Weekend at Grandma and Papa's

Jack is ready to drive the hayride!

Cam at his party! My happy little man.

Everyone on a hayride!

The boys feeding the fish with grandma and papa

Last weekend we celebrated Cam's birthday. We turned our backyard into a minature farm. We had a bonfire where we cooked our own hotdogs and smores too. Thanks to our awesome neighbor's we had a hay ride (4 wheeler with a nice hitch). We also had pinata's, glowsticks, and fun in the dark. It really was a lot of fun. Cam seemed to really enjoy himself.

This week my wonderful (really wonderful) parents took all 3 of the boys for a long weekend. Eric and I got so much done!! We put up our closet doors, changed our blinds, raised our coat hooks, built steps, stuccoed (sp?) our old garage wall, washed the van, cleaned the entire house, organzed our office, redid our files, cleaned out the tool room, slept, and went out to dinner. I'm pretty sure we could have knocked down our whole house and rebuilt it! Amazing how much you can finish without three little helpers! Meanwhile the boys visited a Christmas 'store and fed some fish at a park in Youngstown.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Cam is growing up!

Cam's first day of school

Cam the ham!

In the last few weeks my baby Cam has decided to grow up. He is sleeping in his big boy bed. Even better he's potty trained! He was so easy. A couple of days and he was finished with diapers. We are so proud of him. He is so proud of himself and it's so cute!
So with that said I'm going to rant a little. We were having some childcare issues. My children go to childcare where I work (which has always been a blessing). Recently, every time I picked up Cam we had reports of him fighting with his brother ect. ect. I then realized that because Jack often screams (for nothing) they assumed Cam did something...Sometimes true sometimes not. I also realized that they weren't really doing much but letting them free play for 4 hours. This would be fine once a week, but four times a week was not working for Cam. I realized he wants to be a big boy. We found a nice little school called Sally's that was willing to take him in their 3 year old program. He loves it, now he only has 2 days of childcare and all is well!
I really cannot believe that Cam is 3! Where does time go? I have to say I'm a little sad. After all, this is the baby I almost lost. This is the child I prayed so hard that it hurt. This is the baby that changed my perspective and direction. He is part of the reason we have Jack. He means more to us than one could ever know. This is the baby I rocked to sleep every night of his first 2 years. Every morning I have gotten Cam carried him down stairs and plopped him on my lap with his cup of milk. I went to get him out of bed, after the first night his new bed, and he said, "I'll do it myself mommy". I almost cried. Thank goodness he bounded from his room with a giant smile and hug. I guess I have to accept the fact that he's growing up.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Ethan's soccer season is over. He received his first trophy and was very proud!

So, why are our pumpkins all mushy by Halloween???

Jack fell asleep on our bed at 10:30 am. Hmm maybe you shouldn't have gotten up at 5:30!
All three of their first Halloween's! One from China, one from, Vietnam, one from Russia, and yes we all live next to each other!

Jack got up early on Halloween morning. He was completely crazy all day!

Ethan on his farm field trip! It was nice and muddy.

Halloween was fun as usual. Jack got up at 5:30 am. He was so crazy. It was like he knew all long. We started the evening off with our neighbor's and our traditional Chili meal (thanks Jim). Then the dad's took all the kids trick or treating and the ladies gave out candy and drank too much wine (well at least I did!) Jack did really well and signed thank you almost every time. Cam was an expert! He could have gone all night. Once he got back he wanted to try each candy taking a bite and returning it to his bucket. Ethan was so tired, but did pretty good once he warmed up. I can't believe Halloween has already come and gone. It's my favorite holiday, so I'm a little sad, but at least I have lots of candy!

Other News:
Cam is indeed sleeping in his bed, the crib is officially gone! He loves his new big boy room! Cam is also using the potty as long as he is naked. However, once underwear is added we have lots of accidents. Anyone have suggestions for this??? I'm pretty sure we can't leave the house naked! I cannot believe my little boy is growing up! When did that happen?

Looking forward to a great November!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Jack's latest update

Cam in his big boy bed!

Jack riding the pony at our pumpkin patch festival. He loved it so much and really, really didn't want to get off!
Just a quick post to update on some good news at the Caton house. Jack had his 6 month IA doctor visit. He is officially 22 lbs, 32 inches, and his head has grown. His head size is now on a US chart. His weight and height are very close to being the 3rd percentile! He also scored about on level for all areaes. His fine motor was his strongest and his speech the weakest, but he was within a couple months of his age on everything! He has been officially cleared from the IA department. Yay, one less doctor visit.

Cam actually slept all night in his big boy bed! I thought for sure he would be at least 10 before he would do it, but last night we stuck some rails up and bribed him with an extra story and he did it!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy 6 months Jack!

Moon fest train ride. A favorite of Ethan and Jack's!

Jack now!

One of the first pictures we got 11 months ago.
I cannot believe it, but Jack has been home 6 months. It seems like he's always been a part of us, yet time has gone by so quickly. He has grown and changed so much. When we got him he was 29 inches and 17lbs. He wore a size 3 shoe. Oh and he had a giant hole in his mouth. He had 8 teeth and hardly any hair. He could walk about 8 steps before he fell, and he had no words. Now he is over 31 inches tall, weighs almost 22 lbs, has all his teeth and wears a size 5 shoe. He is minus a hole (the one that shouldn't have been there). He can walk, run, jump, hang, do forward rolls, walk backwards and balance on one foot. He says quite a few words (in Jack speak). His newest phrase is, "I want it". As you can see he is fitting in just fine:) He is smiley and laughy and is a lot of fun! Happy 6 months baby!

We also visited a FCC Moon festival this weekend. The Moon Festival is a big Chinese holiday that is celebrated on the night where the moon should be its brightest. Ironically we couldn't see the moon at all! It is much like a harvest festival and is celebrated with food dancing and folk stories or legends. They serve traditional moon cakes which sort of taste like pies with many different types of fillings. While at the festival we met up with 3 other families that we traveled with to China. It was wonderful to see everyone again and to see how great all the kids are doing!

I will be adding more pix later, but I am having trouble getting them off of Eric's phone right now. They're lost in cyber world!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Rain, rain, rain and more rain!

Well, at least we got to use our boots!
It has seriously rained here since last Saturday. 8 days of rain, rain, and more rain. Please tell me we will see the sun again. Perhaps God has forgotten that he has blessed me with 3 little boys, and that 3 little boys need to go outside before they destroy the house and their mother goes insane!
On a positive note Cam actually used the potty!!! He was running around half naked (as often happens in our house), and all of a sudden he said, "mommy, look what I did". Sure enough he peed in the potty!!!
On a negative note Jack is sick. He has a double ear infection and some form of hand, foot, and mouth disease. He is not a happy camper. I'm hoping it passes quickly!
Here's to a sunnier week!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

School, bowling and more!

Ethan with his backpack on his first day of school.

Cam in his cool bowling shoes.

Jack in his bowling debut

Ethan giving it all he's got. We had to hope for a gust of wind to help the ball make it to the pins!

This week Ethan started pre-school. He loves it! School is his thing. His favorite part is play dough. I think kids should play with play dough all through high school. Maybe it would improve behavior!

All three kids went to my nephew's bowling party and had a blast. Jack jumped up and down and clapped each time he went. Check out the cool ramps they have for the little kids. It was great fun and I can't believe Robbie is 6!

Jack learned how to drink from a straw! Okay probably not that exciting for you, but we were really excited. It's the first time in his whole life that he was able to suck. Maybe it will mean less spills around the house :). Jack was pretty thrilled himself. He had a very proud face when he was able to get mommy's coke out of the straw. I guess he just needed the right motivation.

Fun conversations and quotes at our house:

After soccer: me : "Ethan what did you learn at soccer today?" Ethan: "How to corner kick" Me: How do you do that?" Ethan looking at me stupidly, "You kick it from the corner".

Ethan, " Mommy I am looking forward to going on the Polar Express". Me, "me too". Ethan, "Mommy, when do we look backward?"

Cam's version of the veggie tales song..."Mac n cheese, celery, gotta be veggie tales". Here he has been eating plenty of veggies and we just didn't realize it! Who knew???

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Catching up

So It's been really pretty busy around here! We have started all of our sports and Ethan starts pre school this week. I decided to keep this short and sweet due to the fact I should be writing lesson plans! Oh well, that might happen early in the morning.

Exciting happenings:
1. Our neighbor's are home from Russia with their new little girl Elena Nicole. We're so excited for them and cannot wait to meet her. (Call us if you need anything!)
2. Jack has gained some wait. His shorts are finally not falling off!
3. Ethan started swimming. He actually got in the water willingly and said he liked it! (yay major success). I do figure you actually have to get in the water to swim!
4. Cam started soccer. It's a little skills class with daddy. He's actually really good. A mom brag I know, but he's really talented! (letters and numbers not so much)
5. Ethan had his first soccer game. It was pretty funny to watch 4-5 year olds play a game.
6. Jack went back to tumbling with his actual age group and did just fine. He's caught up in all areas.
7. I went on a weekend shopping trip with my mom. Totally fun and got all my Christmas shopping about done!

A preview of our Halloween costume. What do you think?? I think it's one cute tiger.

Ethan being Ethan before his soccer game.

Coach dad and mascot in purple to cheer him on!

Cam at his first practice.

Okay, so this picture needs some explanation. Notice the dirt ring on Cam's face? Well, each day I drop 3 clean children off at daycare. When I pick them up 2 are still clean and the 3rd well...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Back to busy!

So I really didn't take any pictures to post this week. It was a crazy week. I went back to work in full swing. The kids did daycare every morning. Jack did great. He really loves going to daycare with his brothers. It helped that his favorite worker Julia worked all week. It was nice to have that consistency.

Not too much to report this week. Jack did much better with sleeping. We sure hope that continues! All 3 kids and I were exausted by the end of the week. This is going to take some getting use to!

On a side note my friends and neighbors are currently in Moscow finishing their adoption of their little girl! Please pray for safe travels and smooth goings for them. They are special people who deserve an amazing and wonderful journey. Please pray that the judge will waive their 10 day waiting time. They have a 4 year old at home and I know they would love to get back ASAP. For the record this will be the 3rd International adoption in the past year in our 3 house stretch. First Norah came home from Vietnam, then Jack, and now one more! What an amazing experience for all of us!

I promise to do better with the pictures next week...I hope!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Our pictures...The end of summer:(

My Jack

Uh...what's he hanging from???

Loves Mickey

A rare smiling Ethan photo.

Our family.
Just thought I'd share some of the pictures that we had done. We loved them and had such a hard time choosing which photos to keep! The photographer we had took over 200 shots.
Oh, so sad that I must say good bye to summer. I go back to work this week, and in two weeks the kids start their sports, and in 3 weeks Ethan starts school. I'm always sad to see summer go. I have enjoyed my lazy times with the boys. I think it will be quite an adjustment for all of us. We have to be ready and out the door by 8:15.. Ugh, that should be interesting since Ethan and Jack haven't been getting up before 8:00! Well, will see what happens!

Sunday, August 16, 2009


"Fashion expert Cam Caton Declares that Pink is the New Blue (other experts question the My Little Ponies)

"The movie, Star Wars, Zaps the Minds of Two Young Boys"

"Family Eats Fried Manatee" (or mishapen crecent rolls)

"Naked Boy Destroys Home in Minutes"

"Soccer Star Makes His Depute" (Unfortunately, he's not that photogenic)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The nasal stints are out!

Before surgery. Left nostril is non existent. Look at that beautiful face.

After surgery with the lovely nasal stints. This picture pretty much wraps up his feelings.

After surgery without stints. The nostrils are much closer in size. My happy boy!

We still have some redness from the scars, but that will fade with time. Look at that beautiful face.